Purim is a holiday that we love spending with friends! Join the Friendship Circle young adult crew for a festive Purim party, delicious buffet dinner and Megillah reading. Come in costume.
6:00pm - Doors Open - Please do not come before 6:00pm
6:15pm - Megillah Reading
6:40pm - Dinner & Party
For adults of all abilities ages 20+
This event is dedicated by Chaya & Gabriel Ammar in loving memory of Gabe's first cousin Joseph Duran HY"D who fell in battle defending our people and our homeland.
Yoseph Avner Ben Eliyahu and Rachel Duran HY"'D
Joseph was a member of the elite IDF unit Shayetet 13. He was 26 and leaves behind his wife, 3 younger siblings and parents. He was actively trying to get to the front lines as soon as the war broke out. That was him. The guy that wasn't afraid of anything and always running straight into the heat of the battle, if it meant he could save someone's life. We never knew where he was sent or what he did. His team were the guys they called whenever it was too dangerous for other units. On the flip side he was the most gentle and caring person I had ever met. Always going out of his way to do anything for anyone. Saying hi to everyone he saw and making sure those around him were comfortable. He was 26 yet a bigger man than anyone I've ever met. He was truly too good for this world. May his soul be bound up in the bond of life and may we merit to see him once again, with the coming of Mashiach, amen!
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